The vaping industry has increased in popularity these days and has tremendously impacted the populace in recent years. A gradual shift from smoking to vaping has been evident among the general populace as well.
There's been an ongoing debate, however, on whether or not vaping is generally considered as safe. For the most part, however, many people are into the use of e-cigarettes. Albeit there's a number of health cases related to vaping, many attest to the benefits and pleasure that they can get out of vaping.
That said, keep on reading to learn more about the world of vaping.
Increasing Popularity of Vaping
Let's begin with some of the latest statistics that compare between smoking and vaping:
- Smoking: According to the World Health Organization, there has been a small but steady decrease in the number of smokers globally since 2000. From 1.14 billion smokers, it has gone down to about 1.1 billion now.
- Vaping: When it comes to vaping, it's a different case. Statistics show an increase in the number of vapers globally. From about seven million in 2011, it went up to 35 million in 2016. By 2021, the market research group, Euromonitor, expects to reach almost 55 million vapers across the globe.
Growing Spending on E-cigarette Market
As the number of vapers rises, it is expected that the e-cigarette market will grow and expand even more.
- Today, the global vapour products market is estimated to be worth $22.6bn (£17.1bn). This is actually a significant spending amount, which is up from $4.2bn about five years ago.
- When it comes to the top countries worldwide, the United States, Japan, and the UK are said to have the biggest markets in the vaping industry. European countries such as Sweden, Italy, Norway, and Germany also make it to the top ten.
Open and Closed E-cigarette Systems
It's worth knowing that there are two main types of an e-cigarette system:
- Open system: This system entails a vapourised liquid that can be refilled manually by the user. With this type, there is also a removable mouthpiece.
- Closed system: A closed system consists of ready-made refills, which screw directly on to the e-cigarette battery.
The gap in spending between these two systems has gradually widened since 2011. This year, it is estimated that vapers will spend $8.9bn on open system e-cigarettes, which is said to be double the amount spent on closed-system products.
Primary Reason for Vaping
A survey conducted across the globe reveals that the main reason for vaping is that e-cigarettes "are less harmful than regular cigarettes." In fact, about 49 percent of regular vapers said that they used e-cigarettes to curb their smoking habits.
Recent reports on vaping also suggest that e-cigarettes are less harmful than regular cigarettes. There has been no evidence so far to suggest that e-cigarettes might encourage young people to take up smoking.
The facts and figures mentioned above show how extremely popular vaping has become over the years. Facts on the total expenses of the e-cigarette market, the popularity of the open e-cigarette system, and vaping being used as alternative smoking reveal much about the rise of vaping. It's apparent that the vaping industry will remain and will continue to grow in the years to come.
If you are looking to purchase vape accessories in the UK, get in touch us or visit our vape store online today!