In the recent ironic twist, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are conducting a devastating campaign against electronic cigarettes. The campaign is supported by the global Tobacco Control Movements, and helping to re-normalise the culture of smoking. This is not only dangerous, but also undermining years of progress in enlightening the public about the dangers of smoking. The campaign irresponsible and mainly involves serious dishonesty, organised lie and massive deception.

The Dishonesty

The CDC is dishonest to the general public by constantly referring to vaping as a form of smoking and categorizing electronic cigarettes as tobacco product. Honestly, vaping is not by any means a form of smoking, and electronic cigarettes are actually not tobacco products. In fact, CDC is misleading millions of people, especially smokers to believe that electronic cigarettes contain tobacco.

The Lie

CDC is lying to the public that the data it obtained from the National Youth Tobacco Survey provides evidence that electronic cigarettes are gate pass to tobacco cigarette smoking. You don't need to be rocket scientist to understand that survey cannot provide any conclusive evidence. If you keenly analyse this survey, it suggests the opposite: the experimentation with electronic cigarettes appears to be diverting youths from smoking. The scientific evidence shows that there is a dramatic decline in the number of youths smoking, contributing to the contemporaneous high number of youths using electronic cigarettes. In fact, the current evidence indicates that electronic cigarettes are not addictive.

The Deception

CDC is deceiving the public that any youth who vape is going will experience brain damage from puffed nicotine. The statement is very deceptive because it is unlikely that an intermittent exposure to the lowest nicotine levels delivered by electronic cigarettes is enough to cause brain damage. Actually, there is no known scientific evidence to support this CDC claim. Additionally, the evidence that nicotine can cause brain damage is based mainly on the studies of animals, and there is no evidence that the damage can extrapolate from animal to human.

If the CDC officials and the Tobacco Control Movements are allowed to lie, be dishonest and deceive the public, then the public is going to witness more diseases and deaths related to tobacco cigarettes use.

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