Juice of the Week - Fantasi 55ml £12 | MoMo Bakery Coming Soon | Zume E-Liquid | Remedy 100ml | Milk Bottles | Yankee | Datt White Stuff | Puma 230 Unboxing

Juice of the week! - Fantasi 55ml (65ml bottle) NOW £12 


MoMo Bakery - COMING SOON 


Zume E-Liquid 50ml - £9.95 

When life gives you lemons vape lemonade!


Remedy by Dr Frost 100ml - £22.95

Dr Frost remedy is here that purple cough syrup flavour eliquid to sort you January colds out look no further than your trusty doctor Frost to sort you out.


Strawberry Milk Bottles is back! 50ml - £14.95 

Strawberry Milk Bottles by Vape Royale The original flavour from the old style 'Penny Sweets' A sweet strawberry with a fluffy marshmallow texture to round it off.


3 New flavours from Yankee Juice Co 50ml - £9.95


Loco Lola - NOW 2 for £25


No more dry hits with Datt White Stuff - £4.95 

100% pure organic cotton cultivated from the United States. Datt White Stuff is a Class A Organic Cotton providing a consistently high quality flavour with NO dry hits!


Puma 230 by Vapor Storm Unboxing 

CottonDatt white stuffDr frost remedyEjuiceEliquidFantasi eliquidLoco lola value packMomo bakeryPuma 230 unboxingStrawberry milk bottlesVapeVapor stormYankee juice coZume eliquid

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