The technical language surrounding vape devices can be a lot to take in.
RDA’s, RTA’s, whatever your vape device is, there’s alot to take in. that’s because when it comes to vaping, there’s a lot of technical language which comes as baggage. The reason for this is that vape devices and especially those rebuildable devices made specifically for those DIY vapers who like to find their own way of doing things, run on electricity and circuit boards. This means that to truly understand the vape device and the amount of possibilities that come along with it, you have to get to grips with the lingo. An important reason for this is to get the most out of your vape juice; when going to your e liquid suppliers you want to taste your e liquid to its full potential, and getting to know your atomiser acronyms is part of this.
What’s an atomiser?
First off, it’s a good idea to work out exactly what an atomiser is in its simplest form. Only then can you differentiate between each of the different types. Atomisers are used in pretty much ever vape device out there and are a crucial part of the inner workings. The atomiser is the heating element of the device and is what is used to turn the vape juice into water vapor, then inhaled by the e-cig user. The atomiser is connected to both the wick, saturated with vape juice and with the battery. The battery sends electricity to the atomiser through the coil. The atomisers surrounding wick, cotton saturated in vape juice is then heated up by the atomiser and inhaled through the mouthpiece.
What is a rebuildable atomiser?
RBA’s are present in all rebuildable vape mods. This means that the user has complete control over the power and resistance coming from their vape device. The way that this works is through making the coil inside the vape device replaceable and has enough space for you to play around with the coil you are using. The deck itself refers to the circuit board of your vape device, so you’ll find RBA’s in devices where you can swap and change the parts within, instead of having to buy premade coils. You have the freedom here to build your own as well as the material they are made from, meaning that you have full control over the way you vape.
Rebuildable dripping atomisers are there to negate the use of a tank on their device. Tanks are there to store the e juice and when vaped with, can take away some of the e liquids potency. Using a dripping atomiser means that you can drip your e liquid straight onto the wick and atomiser as needed. With one of these, you simply open the metal cap and siphon drops of e liquid from your carton into the atomiser and surrounding wick. After this you screw the cap back on and vape as much as you like, until you next need to drip.
Rebuildable tank atomisers are the standard for vape devices. These use tanked devices instead of drippers, but the only difference is that you can personalise your atomiser and coil material. The difference is in the tank, and means that you don’t have to faff around with dripping vape juice into the atomiser every time you run out of juice. This will save time and potentially won’t waste vape juice form clumsy dripping or over saturation, which can lead to a flooded vape device. At the end of the day it comes down to your preference, whether that’s dripping or letting the tank do the work for you.
These devices are a hybrid of the last two. This means that the vape device has a deck with a tank built in whilst also allowing you space to build your own coil. These devices also have an automatic dripping function, allowing you to drip from your tank onto your wick when necessary or wanted. This means that the vape juice is kept strong but does add another dimension to the vaping experience. This means that the RDTA’s are usually reserved for those who are pros at vaping already, knowing how to work a rebuildable tank and a dripping atomiser.
Pre built coils
These are best for those who are new to vaping. The basic idea here is that you don’t have to put any work into the often fiddly task of building your own coils and so is the right choice for those who are not self-assured in their DIY vaping just yet, or don’t have enough time on their hands to focus on the lengthy task. Pre made coils can come in a wide range of materials, and finding the right one for your specific needs can be a treat in itself. With so many materials out there such as nickel, kanthium and copper, you’ll have blast finding your favourite!