Coils are a small but crucial aspect to vaping. Every single vape device has one, and each one brings a different feel to your vape hit. Whether you’re sub ohming or puffing on a cigalike, each device needs a coil to match. So why do people overlook their coil when they’re changing up their devices components? It might be because of its size, or the fact that on the surface they don’t do anything in your device which is physically visible. So, what it is it that makes a coil so important, and what do you need to look after it?
What does a coil do?
Coils are the small pieces of metal that can be found between the battery and the atomiser. It is these pieces of metal which transfer the heat generated by the electric battery and warm up the e liquid found in and around the atomiser. It is this that makes coils crucial, whatever the material, the shape or the size, vape coils are always needed to transfer heat and energy through the device.
Coils and sub ohming
One of the ways that coils can be very important in the vape set-up is through their use in sub ohm vaping. Coils, depending on their length, material and size can be used for sub ohm vaping. Sub ohm vaping is the process of vaping at a resistance of under 0.1 ohms. This means that you can inhale more vapour because your vape device is allowing more energy through. Coils can be made thinner or thicker so as to ensure a higher or lower resistance, changing the way that you vape. Sub ohm vaping usually means using less nicotine and is a style created for direct to lung inhalation, ensuring larger vape clouds and a denser vape hit.
What types of coil are there?
There are a wide range of different materials which coils are made from. Each one has a different attribute and some are only compatible with certain types of vape device. Again, these coils all have their weaknesses and strengths, meaning that if you own a rebuildable mod, you have the gift of freedom of choice, helping you personalise your vape hit even further. Vape coil materials include nichrome, nickel, steel, titanium and chromium.
Why replace your coil?
There are a wide range of reasons why you should replace your coil. Most coils need to be replaced between every two to four weeks, varying depending on how frequently you vape. If you vape more often, your coil will be put under more stress, whilst a less regular vaping session will mean that your coil doesn’t reach the temperatures require to make it degrade.
Burnt taste
If you allow your coil to degrade for too long, it might lead to its eventual degradation. Any metal exposed to heat for too long will begin to break down, and when your coil begins to oxidise, you’ll begin to taste the consequences. That burnt taste you begin to get when inhaling might be because of a degraded coil, and even worse, you might be inhaling the pollutants that come with this.
Bad vapour production
The more your coil degrades, the more your vapour production will be affected. With less energy travelling through the damaged coil, the less vapour will be heated. This means you’re likely to flood your vape device with UK e juice, which could also lead to vape juice cooking on your coil. This is when the juice is not fully vaporised, and instead cooks around the sporadically heated coil. This can lead to spitback, which is when boiling vape juice spits out of your device, which can be very painful indeed.
With so many coils out there and it being such a crucial part of your vape device, it is up to you to take care of this precious vaping component.