Zmax V5 Mod

What does Mod mean in the E cigarette world? Basically it means modification, but it crosses over between mod for the e-cig itself or parts of the e-cig hardware. There are many ways you can modify your e-cigarette. The word can even be a verb in some descriptions, such as he modded that to work with a different tip. There are many things you can do with a personal vapouriser (PV) to mod it out. So it is basically customising your PV or APV (advanced personal vapouriser).

What would you want to mod your PV or APV?

Mods began because many vapours were not satisfied with the traditional sized e-cigarette. The original ones did not measure up in performance. By modding vapours could change out batteries with replaceable ones, and to offer a choice in power voltage.

Types of mods

There are two basic styles and types of devices; Mechanical and APV mods. They usually come in either tube or box styles. Mechanical devices use mechanical action to cause the completed circuit for powering the heat coils. These tend to be older mods, without the frills and bells that newer APVs may have. But there is a kind of sub-culture that loves these mechanicals and handcrafts some beautiful designs.


These are all about the electronics. You can have adjustable voltages and wattage. You can change the resistance by changing the clearomizer, check the resistance have battery level LCD screens. Some even have usb ports for updating internal programming through newer software. Who ever thought you could program your E-cigarette? APVs can also have different power outputs described by amperage. This is the amount of power that you can apply to the tank that you attach, usually between 2-5 amps.

Many mods are simply for better looks and the personality. Some like tubes some like boxes. Some like fancy some like simple. There are clear and metal atomizers depending on your taste or personal opinion. Many people like mods simply because they like to tinker or do DIY experiments with anything and everything. This has made the mod market flourish over the last few years. The replaceable parts and pieces that are used to create mods are now more readily available and the styles and designs are growing nearly as fast as the new flavours that come out for E liquids. All in all this is a great thing because it creates better and better units.

CoilsDigital modE cigaretteMechanical modMod

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