Vaping laws are already stringent as it is but as of May 2017, new law as are being brought into place adding tighter regulations and stricter trading rules. Although these laws are nowhere near as strict as that of the selling of normal tobacco, the laws are still worth noting for any use of e-liquid in the UK. The fact of the matter is that e cigarettes are still a new phenomenon and regulations and laws cannot keep up with the snowballing effects and popularity of the devices. New flavours and new methods of production are coming to light every day, alongside research into the effects of vaping products. Keeping up to date with how these laws are changing and why they are will help you to make the right choices when purchasing your products from NO1 Ejuice. It is also said that failure to comply with the below mentioned laws could lead to hefty fines and even prison time, so if you’re a company creating or supplying vaping products, then you best pay extra attention.
Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency
To keep tabs on the growing amount of products becoming readily available over the internet, vaping products will now have to register with the medicines and healthcare products Regulatory Agency. The medicines and healthcare products regulatory agency is an agency which ensure that medicines and medical devices are of an acceptable standard and offer no risk to the user. This is a good change to the law as it will further legitimise vaping as not only a great hobby, but a health benefit as well. It will also help people to know which vapes are safe to use and which are not, which is the main reason for the very conception of vaping, so as to find a healthier alternative to cigarettes.
2 ml Tanks
As of May, all tanks for vaping will have to be a maximum size of 2 ml. Although this will initially cause several different products and companies to have to rethink their designs, it will in the long run have benefits as all companies will have a maximum size with which to associate their delivery and transport methods. It will save money on storage as smaller vapes will take up less space and will be more portable for customers, being able to fit the new maximum size in their bags. The downside is that there will be less sub ohm tanks and will lead to users having to refill more often.
10 ml Refill Bottles
The bottles used to refill vape liquids will only be allowed to hold 10 millilitres. This means there will be far more pollution in terms of the production of plastic bottles having to be upped, great for the factories, and bad for the companies.
Max 20 mg Nicotine
After May, vape liquids will only be allowed to have a maximum of 20 mg of Nicotine. For users who smoke more, this may be a difficult pill to swallow but the up side is that it could lessen your dependency on nicotine. The fact of the matter is however, that the DIY market could suffer greatly. The vaping community has long held a creative community of people who mix their own liquids so as to heighten the nicotine content of their ejuices. This will no longer be legal, as some of the time these mixes could reach anywhere up to 70 mg of nicotine content.
Approvals and Data Reporting
For better quality control, all companies will have to report and record all of their data findings. This will hopefully lead to better products and more stringent guidelines in terms of safety as mentioned in the medical regulatory details.