Since their initial creation in China in 2003, e-cigarettes have become more and more popular around the world. Rather than the 70's when regular tobacco cigarettes were the 'big thing' e-cigarettes seem to have taken over in popularity under the tagline of being healthier for those smoking them. A recent study however, seems to shed a different light on these cigarettes and what many may not know about them.

A study conducted by a team of doctors specialising in cancer of the head and neck, attempted to divulge the true danger of electronic cigarettes by submerging human cells in the liquid taken from traditional e-cigarettes. Upon monitoring these cells, it was apparent that there was damage caused from this submersion and the doctors concluded that e-cigarettes could therefore cause cancer in much the same way as traditional cigarettes.

Upon further review however, a study conducted by Professor Linda Bauld found that, while the results of damage caused by the liquid in traditional cigarettes may, indeed cause damage to the cells, there was a mitigating factor to the danger that was concluded. The chemical utilised in these cigarette liquids is propylene glycol, a chemical utilised in many common implements throughout our world including asthma inhalers and the fog released from dry ice's exposure to oxygen.

Because this chemical is released through the air under a variety of conditions, it is difficult to say whether the level of this chemical within e-cigarettes is in any way more or less dangerous than the amount that most are exposed to on a normal basis. Either way, Professor Bauld concluded that, whether there is any danger or not, the level that may exist is far less than the level of danger represented by smoking traditional cigarettes which have been known to kill as many as 1 out of 2 smokers.

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