What would seem like a joke has now become a reality. Vapers in Pennsylvania could face jail time for buying vapor products in shop and online if they do not pay an insane 40% tax on the products they purchase. We hope that this is revised and that Pennsylvanian's can go back to enjoying vaping without this insane tax. But let this be a lesson to the rest of us as this could easily become "the norm" if other states and countries follow suit.
In Pennsylvania It will be illegal to purchase vaping products purchased from other states and/or countries. Section 1207-A(a) of the law criminalizes the ownership of anyvapedevice ore-liquidthat wasn’t bought from a licensed Pennsylvania seller. So if you buy a bottle of juice or piece of hardware on a trip holiday or trip, simply having it in your pocket or bag will make you a criminal after October 1st.
Pay to stay out of prison is the general jist of this news, and we aren't happy.
If you purchase a bottle of e-liquid from somewhere outside of the Pennsylvania then you will be defined as an "unclassified importer", thus having to pay the tax that was not paid by the vendor as they do not reside in the state. We hope that Pennsylvania do not suffer this fate for long, but let this be a warning to all us Vapers, if we do not stand up and fight for our right to life saving vaper products, we could all find ourselves living this life.