Ticked off everything on your bird watching list? Here’s a new list for the avid sub ohm puffing spotters out there.

We’ve all come across the symptoms. The smug look, or the eye roll when you take a puff on your new device. Maybe it’s a patronising smirk which makes you want to sub ohm vape a large cloud in their face. Unfortunately, they’re here to stay, and as the vaping debate continues it’s fair to say that the rabid anti-vaper won’t become extinct any time soon, even with tobacco companies changing their ways because of it. Even though it’s now a definitive fact that vaping is far safer than smoking, there’s still a wide range of people out there who still find it difficult to comprehend the benefits of e cig liquid. Maybe it’s a misinformed mate, or a passer by in the streets, but you can spot them a mile off, and with this generations avid listicle loiterers looking to the world wide web to define the world out there, we’ve created a guide to help you traverse the irritating world of the anti-vaper.

The Sensationalist

News readers and journalists, especially in the tabloid press, are always looking for a good story to fearmonger the masses. That’s where news article headlines stating, incredibly vaguely, that “Vape juice can KILL” come from. With eye catching headlines based on shoddy research, you can see lots of scared and angry readers on the comments list. This is a hotbed for internet trolls and can be very damaging for the vape industry. It’s all well and good for journalists to question businesses and the government, but it can be incredibly damaging when the facts are wrong, and sometimes deliberately so.

The lobbyist

Lobbying is all part of the political game, and when there’s money in an industry, you can be sure there’s someone whispering in the ear of the politicians. Anti-vaping lobbyists may have a wide range of agendas. They could be promoting some other form of smoking cessation tool, or they could be in the pocket of the tobacco industry, but whatever the reason, you can be sure to see them taking advantage of the above sensationalist’s insidious journalism. Anti-vaping lobbyists may work under the guise of the more respectable anti-addiction lobbyist, but with a focus on vaping, which has been endorsed even by Cancer Research UK and the NHS as a strong smoking cessation tool.

The misinformed parent

In the past there has been a distinct worry that vaping can be a gateway to smoking, especially among the young or underage users. This means that those dodgier e liquid suppliers who are supplying to those whoa re too young, are damaging the industry by increasing the widespread worry among parents. There is little evidence to say that vapers turn to smoking. It seems that most people are quite the contrary, and any parents who are worried that their children are smoking tobacco, should not blame vaping as the problem unless there is evidence to suggest that it played a part.

The tobacco loving propagandist

You may come across smokers who are rather sniffy. We say sniffy, but in reality, their habit has debilitated their sense of smell. They may look down at vaping as “uncool” or faddy compared to smoking, acting smug as their rolling paper blows away with the smallest gust of wind. The fact of the matter is that you will be having the last laugh, the smug smoker most likely succumbing to one of many ailments exacerbated by the habit.

The anti-capitalist

The avid political activist, or those suspicious of big business may take an anti-capitalist stance against vaping. With large tobacco companies such as Phillip Morris taking an interest in becoming e liquid suppliers, you can hardly blame them for their suspicion. For those who take an anti-capitalist agenda when it comes to vaping, their main problem is in the way that larger corporations infringe on the livelihoods of smaller independent companies. Most of the companies making the best e liquids ARE independent. This means that the anti-capitalists worry of vaping becoming too corporate are currently unfounded. If you ever come across one, be sure to show them the evidence, whether that be through the independent vape juices at our Orpington vape shop, or whether it be through a quick search online of the companies behind the best vape juices out there.

Anti-addiction activist

These guys take a hard line on vaping and its use of nicotine. To the staunch anti-addiction campaigner, any use of addictive substances is a red line you should never cross. This black and white approach may lead to a lot of lecturing to you, a vape user who may be minimising health risks by having given up smoking. If faced with disapproval from the anti-addiction activist, politely show them that vape liquid can also come nicotine free, as well as vaping’s aiding in the quit smoking crusade.

Cloud hating café lurker

This specimen of the anti-vaper has no grounding for their vehemence other than their own idea of what’s hot and what’s not. This café dweller is enraged that the local artisan coffee shop is allowing people to vape indoors and is perplexed by the growing trend. Perhaps their stuck in their ways or a staunch traditionalist. Whatever their reason or psychological makeup, they see vaping as ugly and uncool. There’s no reasoning with their smugness, unless you can show them that their cooler than cool hero, say Leonardo DiCaprio and Johnny Depp, are also vapers.

The technophobe

This is the same person who thinks the government is watching their every move on social media, the same person who believes that AI is out to get us all. It’s not likely that our vape devices are going to cause a nuclear apocalypse, and instead of embracing how some technology can help us make the world a better, and healthier place, the technophobe is far more likely to build a bunker in their garden if you sub ohm anywhere near them.

The linking factor between all the anti-vapers, it seems, is that they are fooled by misleading journalism and misconceptions about vaping. This makes it ever more crucial that those who know the truth about vaping and its benefits spread the positive and often life changing word.

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