As a mainstream activity in today’s world, vaping is controversial – there’s no way of getting away from it. Some people are pro-vaping; others are mildly supportive; many are ambivalent; others are unsure and probably anti-vaping and others still are dead-set against it. As far as many media reports would have it, vaping is dangerous, with many downsides. But is it? Are there? Let’s take a look at some and try to demystify these vaping falsehoods and drawbacks for what they really are…
Nicotine and addiction
Don’t doubt it; vaping’s an effective, recommended alternative to smoking; the latter, of course, being known to be highly addictive and hazardous to health. Studies show that young people smoking just one cigarette are much more likely to smoke full-time in the future than those who never touch a cigarette. It’s believed that this hugely addictive undercurrent to smoking then isn’t simply all about nicotine (the very addictive ingredient that’s to be found in both tobacco and many e-liquids available to vape); experts believe it’s also connected to the social aspect so traditionally associated with smoking and the relaxation smokers often feel when taking several drags on a ciggie.
Now, while vaping offers all that too to smokers looking to quit, it also offers them the critical component – the opportunity to reduce nicotine intake gradually. This then makes switching even more attractive, allowing vapers to take control of their nicotine addiction; it gives them the power that smoking and even, frankly, using nicotine pouches and nicotine doesn’t really (neither of the latter two are at all attractive activities, of course; which is where vaping has such a huge advantage over them as a quitting device). So, when it comes to addiction and vaping, the latter’s only addictive insofar as nicotine is.
Exploding e-cigarettes
You’ve doubtless read or heard of the stories in the media; scare stories, most of them, giving the impression that the moment you push the button on an e-cig device and begin vaping the e liquid contained therein, you’re highly liable to have the e-cig blow up in your face there and then. The reality, happily though, is very different; it’s highly unlikely you’ll encounter an exploding vaping device. There are two reasons. The first is quality control – so long as you only buy vaping products that you know are up to industry’s best standards and are sourced from respectable manufacturers, via well-reviewed outlets, you can be sure your gear is going to be safe. The second is being sensible and careful – only vape as directed by instructions on your devices and products and don’t veer from it dramatically and be sure to look after your device’s batteries and not use them if they’re leaking or clearly past it and dangerous. And, finally, never modify, personalise and customise your vaping device and, thus, your vaping experience unless you truly know what you’re doing.
Vaping in public?
Vaping, owing to its (sadly) constant public stigma, is something best practiced solo or with perhaps one or two others in public – certainly away from smokers and non-smokers. Why non-smokers? Well, not only are many concerned that it’s not a safe thing to breathe in e-juice vapour (proof suggests it is; it’s 95 percent less harmful to the body than smoking), so it’s merely a courteous thing not to expose them to vapour. And why not vape around smokers? Well, if you’re looking to quit tobacco or are an ex-smoker yourself, why expose yourself to tobacco smoke if that’s exactly what, initially, you were trying to avoid by taking up vaping in the first place!
The truth
The truth then is that vaping’s cleaner, healthier and, in fact, far more affordable when compared to smoking. It’s also rightly become recognised as those things thanks to UK Government-affiliated health organisations slowly lining up to back it. So, the message is clear – there’s no need for society to be afraid of vaping, let alone spread falsehoods about it; instead, there’s every reason why it should be embracing vaping.