Vaping has been proven to be safer than smoking. But what about the rules for younger people?
Vaping is a new trend which has swept not only the nation, but the world. Whilst the number of adult tobacco smokers has dwindled, the number of vapers has risen to over 3 million nationwide. This means that there are more and more people being swayed by the strong evidence that vaping is far less dangerous for your health than smoking is. So, what does this mean for young people? Should we be worried that younger generations could be vaping instead of smoking, or is it just anti e-cig advocates blowing smoke?
What is in vape juice?
Vape juice is made up of only 4 ingredients. These are water, a propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine mixture, flavourings and nicotine. Propylene glycol and vegetable glycerine are the words which will probably confuse you here, and understanding what they do in vape juice is very important for buying the juices which suit your tastes. The PG and VG in a vape juice are the two organic compounds which are soluble in water and are responsible for carrying the flavour and nicotine. IT is this solution to which the taste and nicotine level is added, so as to mix with the water. These elements brought together make a solution which, when heated, will evaporate and be inhaled by the user.
Why is it safer than tobacco?
Why is vape juice advertised as being safer than tobacco? The answer is fairly simple when you look at it. Tobacco contains around 4000 chemicals, 400 of which are toxic and 40 of which at least, are carcinogenic. Carcinogens are known chemicals which can cause and aid the spread of cancer in the body. The reason for these chemicals being inhaled in cigarette smoke is that the smoke itself is burnt rather than vaporised, being unlocked by the fire. E-cigson the other hand, heat and vaporise the vape solution, meaning that you are essentially inhaling water vapor instead of actual smoke.
Are there underrage vapers?
One of the main concerns about vaping is that underage teens and children could get their hands on juice and devices and the addiction to nicotine could lead to their smoking cigarettes as well. In reality, it seems to be the other way round. Whilst it is difficult to stem the flow of underage smokers, it is easier to turn them to vaping instead, with companies such as the NHS saying that if you are smoking underrage and have no inclination to stop, then vaping would be a better alternative. Whilst vape companies no way endorse underrage vaping, the legal age being and staying at 18 and being strictly enforced, it is true that vaping for those underrage would eb the lesser of two evils.
Is nicotine dangerous?
Another main concern for adults of children who are vaping is that the nicotine can be dangerous. Nicotine, a chemical found in nightshade plants and in the common tobacco plant, can be dangerous in high dosages, but not in the amount found in vape juices and tobacco. Whilst nicotine is addictive, it also brings increased focus and alertness in small dosages and becomes a depressive in higher dosages. Nicotine can be poisonous in high levels, and so it is always a good idea to keep your vape juices away from children and young people. This is why vape juice is reserved for over 18’s, not only is nicotine addictive and so restricted, but a low tolerance and overuse can lead to young people vomiting and feeling sick from it.
Can vape pens explode?
Vape pens have been known to explode from time to time, another reason why they are only for adults. Younger people may not understand how to properly work their vape device and so could lead to it malfunctioning, which in the worst situations has caused bomb scares and even home electrical fires. Most fo the vape devices which explode or have batteries which explode are the vape devices which have temperature controls and are often of the unregulated mod variety. These devices have been known to explode if overcharged or their batteries too powerful for the circuit in place.
The popcorn lung myth
Popcorn Lung is a worry which many have about some vape juice. This form of bronchiolitis came to light after a factory worker who worked with diacetyl became seriously ill due to his exposure to the chemical. This chemical has been known to be used in some vape juice flavourings, worries about which have been quelled in recent times. The reason for this is that the vape juices that have been known to use diacetyl, a type of preservative, use them in small amounts, and bronchiolitis only occurs due to huge exposure to it, for instance if you’re working in a factory handling it. Nevertheless, vape companies have lessened the amount of diacetyl used in their juices in recent years, leading to very few diacetyl juices even being on the market.