Organic products seem to be a dime a dozen these days. With many companies, from food to shampoo, claiming to source their products ingredients from only natural sources, the world as we know it has started on some sort of wide spanning health kick. The same has gone for vaping as well. With many companies claiming to get their ingredients from organic sources, it calls into question how a vape juice, comprised of many different chemicals, some of which are man made, can be entirely organic? Whatever UK e juice you’ve been using, make sure you are not being duped with the product your buying, especially for the hefty price tag which organic vape juices can often carry with them.

What does it mean to be organic?

Organic products are products which have been made using only natural, earth grown ingredients. Food which is organic often has less chemicals and extra ingredients in it. The aim is to make the organic product as natural as possible, therefore cutting out the potential for allergic reactions and an overall more wholesome experience. Organic milk for instance takes out a lot of the extra chemicals and impurities from the milking process, leaving you with a better tasting product.

Why is it hard to make a vape juice organic?

All vape juices are made from a variety of ingredients. These include nicotine, propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, flavourings and water. You can get organic flavourings and some nicotine sourcing techniques make sure that it is as organic as possible, but it can be difficult, and the process can be more time consuming. With it being easier and cheaper to make non organic vape juice, organic alternatives are less common.

What vape juices are organic?

Vape juices can be organic if they are made from completely natural sources. Now, here we’re talking about being organic in the strictest sense of the term, a product completely devoid of synthetic products. That means no propylene glycol, which is created through man made chemical processes, leaving only vegetable glycerine, derived from vegetables (it’s in the name) to carry the liquid. Nicotine can be sourced organically, as can flavourings, leaving you only missing propylene glycol out of the mix. In essence, what this means is that you will have a thicker vape juice and a lower nicotine concentration. One drawback is that you might have to clean your vape coil more often due to thick vape juice build up, but otherwise you’re set for totally organic vape.

Is non-organic vape juice more harmful?

What does this mean for non-organic vape juice then? Should we be avoiding it completely? If you’re looking for a vape juice which has completely trustworthy ingredients, ensuring that you know exactly what is going into your body, then organic vape juice is worth the investment.

Is DIY vape juice organic?

The real answer is that it depends on the way you have made it. Ensuring that you have sourced completely natural vegetable glycerine is the first step, alongside nicotine shots which have been derived from an organic source. Natural vape juice flavorings come next, and if you want to know what you’re putting into your body, then it's worth the investment.

How do I determine if my vape juice is organic?

All organic vape juices which have past national and international tests will have the EU organic logo on the product. This is a green leaf shape with the EU stars making the outline. On top of this, there are a range of UK based organic seals of approval, one of the most prevalent and trustworthy being the code GB - ORG - 00, which can be found with all EU organic emblems.

E cigE juiceE liquidVape coilVape liquid

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