A new fad is sweeping through the vaping world – nicotine salts. What are they and why? Well, taking the first question first, the answer’s fundamentally simple; they better mimic the nicotine ‘hit’ you receive from a conventional cigarette than any previously produced e-liquid and, of course, as this is vaping via an e-cig device, it’s far in a way less hazardous for your health that getting your nicotine fix the old-fashioned way.
And, don’t doubt it, choosing to use nicotine salts is only likely to underline vaping’s reputation as an activity that, such a good alternative to smoking it is, it’ll see people turning their backs on carcinogenic, smelly old ciggies for good. And that explains the ‘why’ – just why they’re proving so popular with vapers.
Nicotine salts vs. regular nicotine-featuring e-liquids
Now, all that’s very well, but are nicotine salts really any better than what you’re vaping currently? Well, in truth, it’s not so much about what’s better in general, but really what’s the best fit for you; ultimately, what sort of vaping experience you genuinely want – and whether you’re looking to vaping to actually aid you in quitting smoking and remaining that way.
The e-juices that you find currently on the market contain what’s referred to as freebase nicotine. Now, of course, freebase nicotine and nicotine salts aren’t exactly the same, but the difference between them essentially comes down to two things; first, vaping with nicotine salts is likely to result in smoother, easier throat hits and, second, the nature of nicotine salts affords more nicotine absorbability than you typically get with everyday e-liquids. All of which means you ought to be able to successfully vape with a stronger nicotine level, while experiencing a smoother, more enjoyable throat hit and, of course, effectively get more nicotine.
What e-cig devices go best with nicotine salts?
Basically, nicotine salts don’t tend to go well with sub-ohm high-powered devices, simply because the former produce higher nicotine levels. Indeed, we’re talking here of nicotine strengths in of around 50mg ‘salts’ compared to the average 3-6mg in regular e-juices. That means low wattage devices are ideal for nicotine salt as, for successful vaping, one doesn’t require all that much vapor to get the same amount of nicotine from nicotine salt with a lower-powered device as with from a high-powered device. Note: it really is a good idea not to use nicotine salts along with high-powered vaping devices (or sub-ohm-powered ones), otherwise you’ll struggle to keep your nicotine levels down and under control.
To that end then, right now there are essentially two low-wattage devices available – an open system (manually refillable via nicotine salt e-liquids in various strengths) and a closed system (enables the topping-up of nicotine salt e-juices via cartridges or pods).
Do nicotine salts help you kick a smoking habit better?
Good question. After all, you may be quite happy with the e juice you’re already using for vaping. And yet, for the same token, you may not be entirely satisfied; perhaps because you feel your vaping experience is certainly pleasant and enjoyable but it doesn’t seem to be making as many inroads into you quitting those dreaded tobacco-filled ciggies. This is something, though, that nicotine salts could well help with.
Why? Because nicotine salt generally delivers nicotine to the bloodstream in an improved manner compared to regular e-juice, as well as deliver the aforementioned smoother, more satisfying throat hit. So, what’s noticeable with nicotine salt is an instant rush that contributes greatly to curbing cravings more quickly. Needless to say, then, this hit and its resultant ‘buzz’ from nicotine salts are definitely comparable to those from smoking a cigarette, while their vapour you inhale closely resembles the smoke from tobacco cigarettes (however, not comprising tobacco, nicotine salts are far less hazardous to one’s health).
There’s more, though; for nicotine salt devices are very user-friendly. Thanks to the most recent developments in vaping technology, many low-wattage and nicotine salt-friendly devices operate via ‘auto-fire’, which ensures they only produce vapour when a user inhales. Plus, of course, as mentioned with low-wattage devices, you can choose between open and closed systems; the former being a less time- and energy-consuming option as it doesn’t require manual e-liquid/ nicotine salt refilling. Moreover, they’re relatively low-profile and fit in a pocket so easy to keep with you and use when you’re out and about and on the move.