One of the common myths perpetuated in the media is that eliquids are dangerous. The reality is that eliquids are far healthier than tobacco cigarettes, with far less nicotine and hazardous chemicals. In fact, there are usually only three to four ingredients in eliquids: propylene glycol, vegetable glycerine, natural/artificial food-grade flavouring, and nicotine.
With just four ingredients, people who vape end up feeling and leading far healthier lives compared to their counterpart tobacco smoking friends. In that sense, vaping is far from hazardous.
Of course, vaping isn’t perfect because you’re still inhaling ingredients. But compared to the other available options out there, it’s one of the most enjoyable and safest vices to have. Vaping has also undoubtedly helped reduce the overall number of people who smoke cigarettes – finally giving them a much need avenue to help them get rid of their addiction.
In fact, vaping has been hugely responsible for the decreasing tobacco smoking trend. Considering that millions of people around the world suffer from smoking-related diseases, that’s certainly welcome news. One of the quickest ways to remove an addiction is to replace it with a healthier alternative. It’s no wonder then that vaping has been so popular with smokers who’ve been trying to quit for years.
With the exception of nicotine, the previously mentioned ingredients are mainly found in a range of products. Meaning, they don’t necessarily bring anything hazardous to the table. One of the reasons vaping has become so popular, is because they’re fun and convenient to use. Practically any flavour of vape liquid can be purchased, from something like pineapple and coconut all the way up to something like Arabica coffee!
Interestingly, another myth that’s being perpetuated out there is due to one of the ingredients in eliquids: propylene glycol. This ingredient is used in anti-freeze, but that doesn’t mean that eliquids contain anti-freeze! In fact, the reason why the ingredient is used in antifreeze is so that it’s less harmful to digest if it’s accidentally swallowed.
In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers stimulated vaping through machines. The study attempted to prove that people who vape ingest a dangerous chemical is known as formaldehyde, increasing their risk of cancer. Fortunately, the study was later debunked. That just goes to show how much scrutiny should be applied to any kind of study on vaping, because often there can be various underlying factors that are not considered.
Speaking of the ingredients in eliquids, another myth that’s been perpetuated has been about the element known as diacetyl. In reality, the quantity of diacetyl in eliquids is so minor that it doesn’t even compare. Cigarette smokers, for instance, are exposed to more than 750x the level of the diacetyl levels in eliquids.
Last but not least, another myth that’s been perpetuated is the idea that nicotine causes cancer. Nicotine, quite simply, however, is not a carcinogen. It may be addictive, and it may be seen as the culprit in cigarettes and anything that’s addictive, but ultimately, it’s the thousands of other substances in cigarettes that cause cancer. Better yet, not all eliquids contain nicotine. Customers thankfully have the freedom of choice to pick between eliquids with or without nicotine – the same can’t necessarily be said about cigarettes.
Browse our selection of e-cigarette liquids to learn more about the exciting world of vaping!